Take the free Management Survey.
It will help you assess, where you are,
where you want to go and how to get there!
Comes with a printable report and recommendations.
Scale is 1 to 5 with 5 indicating an area where you excel,
1 indicating an area where there’s room for improvement.
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Q1. I use quality data through business KPIs and workplace culture ratings to guide my management decisions.

Q1. Score *

Q2. I am involved in strategic discussions and contribute to the planning process of my department/business.

Q2. Score *

Q3. I understand the business cycle we are currently in, and I know my management priorities to create value.

Q3. Score *

Q4. I understand who our clients are and how as a brand we meet their needs.

Q4. Score *

Q5. I have a quality process for orientation and starting new employees and managers.

Q5. Score *

Q6. I understand the internal systems and processes that drive business operations. The systems are clear and concise with established accountabilities assigned to them.

Q6. Score *

Q7. I understand the skills, knowledge, attributes and motivations of the members of my team.

Q7. Score *

Q8. I understand my own management style (whether I am a natural manager, coach or mentor), and I know how to adapt my style to meet the needs of my team and the business cycle.

Q8. Score *

Q9. I am engaged and committed to my role and the organisation. I am proactively contributing to the success of the organisation and a positive workplace culture.

Q9. Score *

Q10. I achieve the results the business needs from me and the area I am responsible for.

Q10. Score *

Name *

Company *

Email *