Managing a business is no easy task, but managing employees can be! This is a key point of difference between high-performing businesses and businesses that struggle.
HR Staff Manager is a simple, affordable and effective web-based system that is loaded with templates, polices and HR process specifically designed for SME's.
HR Staff Manager helps businesses to standardising and customising their HR System to minimise risk.
"I can't believe how easy it was to get started - the intuitive
design has all the tools I need for managing employees"
With its intuitive design and easy setup, HR Staff Manager helps your business to minimise its risk so you can focus on maximising your growth.
HR Staff Manager provides you with real time web based
access using your unique domain and secure login details.
Pre-loaded with fully compatible templates, polices, letters of offer.
Document Management System that can be accesses from anywhere.
Wizards to complete key documentation with a click of the mouse.
Automate your employee files
Upload key documentation to the cloud for secure storage.
Easily track employee review dates and training requirements.
Use Wizards and flowcharts to guide you through key HR processes so you never miss a step.
Supports your business with HR Systems and Process that meet the requirements of the National Standard Human Resource Framework NS HRF-101:2010
Save time and reduce your business risk with professional, high quality Employee Management information.